Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do You Know The Smallest Bone In The Human Body....???

We all feel that we know our body very well, but is it true..?? Do you know which is the smallest bone of our body...??. Not to worry..in this post, I will provide information regarding the same. But before starting with the smallest bone, I would like to put some light on what actually a bone is, and, then we will move on to the smallest bone....

A normal adult has 206 bones in its skeleton. Bones are nothing but the rigid organs. They form the endoskeleton of the vertebrates. It is mostly made up of calcium phosphate.The functions of bones are to move, support, and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells and store minerals.
Now, moving on to the smallest bone. It is a tiny bone in your inner ear, it's the size of a rice grain. It's the smallest bone in the body.
The name of the bone is 'Stapes' or 'stirrup'. It is located in the ear ossicle. It is one of the three bones that enables hearing.
It is just 3.3mm long in the average person. Its an important bone. It works with the other two bones of the ear ossicle.
Any damage to this bone in the body will affect hearing.

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